We identify, analyse and advise
The Swiss National COVID-19 Science Task Force advises the public authorities in the current COVID-19 crisis. While the Task Force does not make decisions about measures or actions taken, the volunteer group of experts represents relevant scientific fields and ensures that impartial scientific advice is given.
The members of the Swiss National COVID-19 Science Task Force do not receive any remuneration or compensation for their work in the Task Force. Each member has disclosed any potential conflicts of interest. These documents are available on the Organisation page.
Policy Briefs
COVID-19 social stratification in Switzerland 
Since the beginning of the pandemic, social scientists anticipated that the virus and the associated public health measures would exacerbate pre-existing social inequalities.
Comparing COVID-19 infection vs mRNA vaccination in 5-11 year old children
How likely is it that a non-vaccinated or not previously infected 5-11 yo child will be infected with SARS-CoV-2?
Auswirkung des Zertifikats auf das Gastgewerbe
Wir analysieren die Auswirkungen der Einführung des Covid-Zertifikats im September 2021 in der Schweizer Gastronomie.
Protection duration after vaccination or infection, and efficacy of a third dose by vaccination or booster by infection
People who have recovered from COVID-19 are protected from hospitalization at least as well as people who have received two doses of a mRNA vaccine.